LEAVE NO TRACE BRIGHTON will be at Brighton train station for 7 weekends (from August 14th, to September 26th), asking both visitors and locals passing through to help protect and preserve the health of our coastal environment and all it’s inhabitants by signing the Leave No Trace ‘Brighton Pledge‘!
Brighton & Hove City Council collected a staggering 100 tonnes of rubbish from Brighton seafront in the first 17 days of June, and on the weekend of 17/18th July collected 31 tonnes, which is the greatest amount of rubbish ever collected from Brighton Seafront.
A vast percentage of this waste, most of it single-use (plastic) packaging was left on the beach by members of the public with little regard for the health of our coastal environment, it’s wildlife, or the 500+ bins that stretch the length of Brighton & Hove Seafront.

Waste reduction is key in our effort to become a low carbon society AND to reducing ocean pollution, so this summer we will be based at Brighton train station asking all visitors and locals passing through to help us preserve and protect the health of our coastal environment and all it’s inhabitants by signing the ‘Brighton Pledge’ !
The objective of the ‘Brighton Pledge’ campaign is to raise awareness and highlight the impact that irresponsibly disposed single-use packaging waste has on Brighton’s coastal environment, and to encourage individuals to help by taking action!
The pledge is accessible via smart phone via a QR code on printed material at Brighton train station. No phone? No problem, we have 3 android tablets on loan from Tech TakeBack, making the ‘Brighton Pledge’ accessible for everyone.
In support of action 2 (carrying and using a reusable cup – only 1 in 400 single use coffee cups ends up being recycled!) we have a number of Circular&Co. reusable cups available for sale, for a small donation to the Leave No Trace Brighton campaign fund. The cups can be purchased from us at Brighton train station, or here via our online not for profit shop.
On these cups will be a QR code sticker to a map listing the names of all the seafront food and drink venues that support the environment by accepting reusable cups.
Will Soobie has created some incredible augmented reality (to be rolled out weekend 21/22) which will be accessible on printed material hosted by seafront food and drink outlets who support the Leave No Trace ‘Brighton Pledge’ campaign and the environment by accepting reusable cups.

We have some fantastic sponsors and partners involved in the support and creation of this campaign, huge thanks goes to the Govia Safety and Environment team, and Brighton train station management at for hosting us. Huge thanks also to the incredible team at digital design and development agency Digital Detox for donating their time and skills to the creation of the ‘Brighton Pledge’. To Will Scoobie for the design and creation of the incredible augmented reality imagery and application. To circular economy brand champions Circular&Co. for donating our first 100 cups, and to Tech Take Back for the loan of three android tablets to make sure the campaign is accessible to everyone.
Special thanks goes to Sea Lanes Brighton and Shelter Hall for being champions of green business practice on Brighton Seafront, and for helping to fund this campaign.